Month: August 2017

  • Equality, Individualism, and Tolerance: The Essences of a Free and Open Society

    Equality, Individualism, and Tolerance: The Essences of a Free and Open Society

    When making perfumes, a maître perfumer has to observe certain rules: At first, he selects base, middle and top notes from the spectrum of essential oils (and oftentimes he uses synthetics as well). Then, he mixes the oils together and lets the blend sit for a couple of days. Before diluting the oils with pure…

  • The Allegory of the Cave – A Warning Against Political and Ideological Bigotry

    The Allegory of the Cave – A Warning Against Political and Ideological Bigotry

    Plato’s allegory of the cave (from Republic) is probably the best known simile for truth-seeking. It’s based on a talk between Socrates and Plato’s older brother Glaucon. However, as much as it describes epistemology, it is metaphorically concerned with political corruption and ideological bigotry as well. Plato’s allegory begins as follows: Socrates is likening the “prisoners”…

  • Warum man seinen Cappuccino rasch trinken sollte…

    Warum man seinen Cappuccino rasch trinken sollte…

    Zeit fasziniert mich. Wer sich näher mit dem Phänomen der Zeit beschäftigt, merkt, dass wir eigentlich nur sehr wenig davon verstehen. Was ist Zeit? Welche Elemente machen unser Zeitgefühl aus? Und weshalb ist unser landläufiges Verständnis von Zeit so anders als dasjenige der Physik? Zeit ist die Uhr des Lebens 3 Milliarden Mal schlägt unser…