Category: Culture

  • Why Liberals Should Be More Optimistic

    Why Liberals Should Be More Optimistic

    Optimists think that the course of events will be positive, for them personally or for society in general. Realists, on the other hand, think that the course of events might turn out to be positive; they concede, however, that they can’t really know since reality consists of complex phenomena. Optimism and realism are sometimes used…

  • The Right to Discriminate – It’s Not About Being Gay or Racist

    The Right to Discriminate – It’s Not About Being Gay or Racist

    An Alexandria gym terminated the membership of white nationalist Richard Spencer last week after another gym member confronted him with his racist views. Quite naturally, the private company used its right to discriminate. The media generally applauded the gym’s decision. On the other hand, various court decisions according to which Christian bakers and florists were…

  • Der Suizid im Liberalismus

    Der Suizid im Liberalismus

    “Es gibt nur ein wirklich ernstes philosophisches Problem: den Selbstmord. Sich entscheiden, ob das Leben es wert ist, gelebt zu werden oder nicht, heißt auf die Grundfrage der Philosophie antworten. Alles andere – ob die Welt drei Dimensionen und der Geist neun oder zwölf Kategorien hat – kommt später. Das sind Spielereien; erst muss man…

  • The Right to Be Let Alone in a World of Cultural Diversity

    The Right to Be Let Alone in a World of Cultural Diversity

    The right to be let alone, as Justice Louis Brandeis famously put it in “Olmstead v. United States”, is commonly associated with the right to privacy in the Fourth Amendment. The constitutional “[…] right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures […]” critically separates…